Welcome Misfits

Welcome to everyone who at some point or other in their lives found themselves a Misfit. For those of you who like me identify as one on a daily basis…you are not alone. This is a judgment free zone ( on my part, obviously) and as someone who has lived by the ‘fake it till you make it’ simply for ‘make it’ to be…  fit in, belong…I hope to entertain, teach, show you how to navigate being a Misfit. 

Often I feel like a walking, talking cautionary tale.  Sometimes you just want to know you’re not alone. Then there are other times when life happens and you wish someone told you. I’m here to tell you stories, advice that worked for me , some lighter stuff like what products to use to feel/look better, places to go that make everyone feel like they belong and other random things . 

Hope  I still have your attention and let the journey begin. 

Buckle up, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

***just a little note I forgot to mention in my intro: every story will come with a footnote of a song( sometimes more than one) You can listen to it while you read it, after you’ve read it or…not at all. I simply find life better/easier when it has a soundtrack. 

For intro I went with  The Misfits and Lovers by The Wallflowers.