Father’s Day

With Father’s Day approaching, I’d like to dedicate this to all the good men out there and father figures I admire. I didn’t luck out in that department, but I have been around some great father figures so I know a good one when I see one. Growing up, my childhood friend had an amazing dad. I used to come home and ask my mom why can’t IO be my dad too. He was funny, kind, genuinely cared about his girls without hovering or being ‘too much’ and when he would drive us home or take care of us at their place I never felt left out in any sense. Then there were my other friends fathers who always made me feel welcomed. One has passed away and even though I’m miles away I think of him whenever I’m on his daughters IG. The other one is the man who has always made me feel like I belong with their family.  He’s the silent kind, but when he does speak it’s usually a gem. There are stories I could write but I’ll keep it nice and short and honor MP with a ‘thank you’ for…being yourself. Don’t get me wrong, no parent is perfect, because no human is perfect and it’s easier for me to appreciate these men because all I ever got from them was kindness. No tough love, no preaching,no scolding just the good stuff and I’m very grateful for that. 

Then there’s the stepfather who truly lived up to a title. He stepped in when the biological fathers failed. I feel like a teen around him and sometimes forget he could ( age wise) be my father. BD has youthfulness that not many possess. Him and his wife took care of me when I was alone and had no one to lean on and if for no other reason ( though there are many more) than for that I will always be grateful.  

And last but not least I’d like to express my appreciation to all the men I’m close with doing a real good job at activity being good dads. My childhood friends who are now dads and manage to make  a great balance at being cool and still setting the example of how men should be, both to their sons and daughters. My neighbor who’s chilled approach is something to aim for in life as well as fatherhood. 

A father should set an example as to what kind of a man you should be or what kind of man you want to be with. So to all the good men out there doing the good work: I applaud you and wish you a Happy Father’s Day!

***’Where is the love?’ by The Black Eye Peas