The love of memes

As a geriatric millennial I vividly remember time before the internet as well as embracing the World Wide Web. There’s something to be said about writing a paper for school and spending time in the library and with encyclopedias. There’s also the joy of time saved with the birth of internet. I was always inclined of using the power of internet for the good.  Then came social media and with it..the memes. Growing up I felt lonely and miss understood. It was hard for me to relate to kids my age and more so then not I felt my journey was unique. That’s how I discovered humor as distraction. If I could make people laugh they would focus on that instead of the many signs pointing at my sadness and isolation.  As you grow into ‘adulthood’ I found that the best medicine for your past/current life trauma is to have a release. Mine was crying for the most of my life in private (crying for long periods of time releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, otherwise known as endorphins. These feel-good chemicals can help ease both physical and emotional pain. Once the endorphins are released, your body may go into somewhat of a numb stage. Oxytocin can give you a sense of calm or well-being). And laughter in public. I’m the kind of gal that knows how to entertain myself as well as others. It took me a while to realize that people are quick to laugh at other people’s expense, but when it comes to taking the joke all of a sudden it’s too much’, ‘it’s inappropriate’,…fill in the blanks. What it really is that nobody will admit is ‘there’s a little truth in every joke and this one hurt my fragile ego’. Obviously this not a rule, there are malicious, frustrated people who do purposely tell a ‘joke’ for sole reason to hurt someone ( or anyone).

Now we have memes. Mind you, I’m not the kind of person that can easily be offended. The list of things that offend me is quite short. So scrolling through IG and such and seeing people voicing things I once though were uniquely me, gives me a new kind of relief. Keep in mind we live in very sterile and censored world these days, so not everyone can take a joke or a meme. I have my little circle of people that I can send any meme and we either laugh together or nod together. But since people are now offended easily and by anything, keep the circle to those who can really relate and can take a joke as well as tell one.   Here’s one related to the subject before I sign off on that subject.

***’Laugh a little’ by TheHxliday