To tattoo or not to tattoo? 

If you are a parent with no tattoos or piercings ( other that maybe ear piercing) you are probably thinking ’not while you’re under my roof’.  

So did my mom, even though she had almost entire earlobe pierced, later in life too. I was born with quite a few birth marks and grew up with even more scars on my soul. None of that was my choice, but piercings and tattoos on the other hand, were all by mine design. Some I had because I found them pretty ( piercings) and some to remind me of my goals and things I’ve overcome despite my life obstacles. 

The first  tattoo I ever got was very ‘underground’. It was done by one tattoo artist in my hometown in a punk/rock club that was closed for public at the time. Now, if I was a parent and was aware of this scenario: it would not have happened! I wanted a tattoo for years at that point but didn’t know what or where, so I decided to wait for ‘the sign’. These days it’s not that hard to remove it and it doesn’t cost as much, but when I got mine I understood it was for ever. Even though I’m a fan of good tattoos I still don’t recommend doing it before you turn 18-ish. As I can only speak for myself, the reason behind that is that you are more likely to change your mind, a lot, while in your teens. So I got my first one and I hid it from my mom for a couple of months. Needless to say she lost her cool when she saw it despite me trying to explain I’m over 18, in college and it’s so small and in a place nobody can see unless they’re looking for it. Then right before I left home I got another one and even though I’d was well over 20 I still hid it from my mom. Simply didn’t wanna hear another sermon and the deed was already done and I was leaving home in a couple of months. 

The first time my mom came to visit me at my home in NY we shared a bed and I wore tank bodysuit to bed, so she couldn’t see it. So silly, but I just didn’t wanna see her being ‘disappointed’ in me. After all it was my body of an adult-ish person and I didn’t need to ask for permission, but if she’s so anti that why not just keep it to myself.  I went on to have five tattoos total as of now and I call them ‘my chosen beauty marks’. A little piece of advice if you’re thinking about getting one ( or 5 or 10) : if you’re the kind of person that changes their mind often-don’t! No matter how much you love some human being don’t put anyone’s face or name on you ( unless they passed away and you still want to keep them with you in that way), simply because people tend to disappoint and then you’ll have that reminder for ever ( or until you pay more money to have it removed).  Side note: most of the boys ( yes, regardless of age I end up with boys) I’ve been with had no piercings or tattoos and that blank canvas of human body is oh so  beautiful . To each their own!

*** ‘ Black Tattoo’ by Urban & 4