Guilty pleasures

Have you noticed how we often justify our ‘guilty pleasures’?  Why feel guilty about something that gives us pleasure and doesn’t hurt anyone in the process? I no longer do. Wanna judge me for my likes…go for it. 

Growing up Catholic, guilt is ever present. The 10 commends were supposed to be guiding rules and then guilt spread like a wildfire. Being a retired Catholic relived me off all that burden. The only things I feel guilt about are things I’ve done purposely and concisely that resulted in someone getting hurt. The rest, it’s my life and I have no regrets about things like: putting myself first ( take it for an expert on a subject:if you don’t no one else will), watching ‘bad tv’, sleeping in on my days off, not going out when I don’t feel like I’d be a good company, not being domesticated, being child free by choice,…the list goes on. I still tend to use that term but it’s always followed by: feel free to judge, I don’t care. Truly I don’t and neither should anyone else. So you know you should loose some weight but you still occasionally enjoy chocolate or some junk food, who does that exactly hurt? You know ‘reality tv’ is junk for your soul and brain and yet..who is hurting by you indulging in it? 

In my humble opinion the only guilt you should be feeling is if you  concisely and actively hurt another human or an animal. Anything else you might be found ‘guilty’ of by the court of public opinion, well , so be it. You do you and remember to be kind to yourself as well as others.j

***  ‘I’ll be there for you’ Friends theme song