Women’s clothes, part deux: The Man Repellent clothes 

Some years ago I stumbled upon a blog named Man Repeller, personal blog turned lifestyle-website started by Leandra Medina Cohen in 2010. I loved the name and dived in as “Man Repeller was founded to celebrate self expression “.

As I previously wrote: fashion is my passion and I’ve been obsessing over it since I could talk and walk. The fact that she was all about maxi skirts, high wasted shorts, overalls, mixing high end fashion with thrift store stuff was music to my senses.  Thought I’m not into all of her faves ( wouldn’t be caught dead in full-length overall or clogs) I loved the idea that she made it clear how anything goes if it’s making you feel pretty, empowered and not just picking up  a magazine and getting ‘in this season’ items because it’s hot right now. 

If you’re thinking I’m sometimes wearing clothes that fall into Man Repeller category to prove a point or repel man for that matter, you couldn’t be further from the truth. By nature I tend to gravitate towards more feminine clothes, but I believe most of us are not just one thing or one style. My first fashion inspiration were ladies at San Remo ( Italian music festival) and they were gorgeous, feminine, sparkly and entertaining. As a little girl my mom would dress me like a little doll and I loved every minute of it. Growing up with a mom who was dressing to the nines ( 80s were challenging fashion wise no matter where you lived or what you looked like), always had her hair and makeup done and still working full time and being a super mom, being dolled up was a norm for me. When we had money we mostly went shoo-in Italy or even had someone sew our clothes. Expressing myself through what I wore was my outlet. 

In case you skipped to this without reading pt.1 here’s a sum up of when I got more relaxed about clothes, hair, appearance: at 17 I went from Croatia on my first plane trip  ever to Vancouver, Ca ( I do indeed like to go big,in cross the world kind of big). Even though I still like myself better when I’m put together I’ve learned on that trip how to loosen up in my day to day appearance.  Not gonna lie,it was a bit of a culture shock for me, but in a very positive way. 

In years ( ok, decades) since I’ve realized the difference and benefits of lifestyles in Europe and North America. Europeans for the most part ( yes, both men and women) pay a lot of attention to fashion, being up with the trends at all times and Americans ( and Canadians I’ve met on my stay ) have perfected the art of leisure wear. This definitely doesn’t mean one is better than the other, it’s the beauty of mixing it up. I feel so grateful to be exposed to both and feeling free to pick and choose what I like from each.  So when it comes to Men Repellent clothes they exist in both universes. There are some things women love and gravitate towards and men simply don’t get it, weather it’s high fashion or wearing UGG. When I put together an outfit and get a compliment for it from a man I do sometimes get taken back by it and not in any bad or weird way, just didn’t think he’d ’get it’.  

One thing I love about NYC in particular is that when a stranger likes something about your look, outfit, accessories, makeup,just about anything really is that they tell you that.  I’d get compliments back in the motherland but they were by default always from friends,family, acquaintances ( not that you’ll ever hear me complain about a compliment). I hope your takeaway from this is like any other of my posts: some people will understand, some won’t, some will like you, some won’t and that’s life. So go out in the world and make sure you’re always true to yourself and what makes you happy .

*** ‘These Boots Are Made For Walking’ by Nancy Sinatra