Cultivate kindness 

I’ve mentioned kindness in the past post, but it doesn’t hurt to repeat oneself on this subject. This should mean the exact same thing to everyone regardless of their age, race, nationality, religion or anything else that’s usually used to divide us. 

Kindness comes in many forms and shapes, it doesn’t cost anything to spread some, wherever you go and it feeds your sole with the peace and goodness. It’s equally easy to be cruel and to be kind,so pick the later.  

I’m aware of the controversy regarding The Ellen Show, but my experiences there where very positive ones. That’s not me denying  or diminishing other people’s experience and dismissing their feelings about their workplace, I was only there as an audience member.  I went twice and both experiences were really nice: the staff was very attentive since we checked in till we left the studio, loved her gift shop( Riff Raff Room) because everyone could afford something, loved dancing with her,all in all just super positive vibes in the audience. There was also  a certain  sense of comradely among perfect strangers sitting next to each other and cheering for anyone who got anything on the  show. Her “Be kind to one another,” at the end of every episode seamed to really be resonating with people. The world could use more kindness and compassion.  

Growing up kindness was taught to us by both parents and The Church, but what neither of those said was: you should start with yourselves.  If you are not kind first and foremost to yourself it’s hard to give pure kindness to others. Often we still do that: we are kind to people around us but still in private we beat ourselves up over all the big and small things. If you recognize yourself in that make a conscious effort to be kind to yourselves!  Sometimes it’s hard to accept kindness as well. I’m the first one to say I have problem asking for help, though I got better with time. When I was younger it seamed like a weakness, though now I realize it was just how I perceived it. The truth is, we all sometimes might need a little help along the way ( which could just be an act of kindness from someone or words of encouragement) and it took me a really long time to understand we were not meant to do everything by ourselves. If all we leave after us, here on Earth is how we made others feel,wouldn’t be nice if we leave a legacy of kindness?

*** ‘Be Kind’ by Marshmello & Halsey